That last Labour lot were an utter shower. It’s cos of them
we’re in the mess we’re in, cos of them spending, make that wasting, all our
money. Wasting I tell you.
Hold that thought for a mo ….. the scenes from waterworld/Somerset
are truly gobsmacking as is the fact it appears to have been going on since
Christmas. Clearly something should have been and/or must be done about this,
except something already was – spending on flood defences in England and Wales
was cut (in absolute and real terms) years ago by the current government.
This was part of the initial approach to austerity; routine
spending e.g. benefits, are a bugger to cut as the Irritable Bowel-Duncan-Smith
experience exemplifies. Capital spending on the other hand is relatively easy, you just cancel
or postpone the building of new things like seawalls. Hence, in the early years of
austerity, capital spending, even though it’s a relatively modest share of total
government spending, accounted for a disproportionate share of the cuts. Capital
spending on flood defences illustrates this perfectly, the total being cut 27%
from 2010/11 (the last year of Labour spending plans) to 2011/12.
Now would a Labour government have done anything differently
if it’d won the last election? Doubt it. But, some of the last Labour
government’s spending looks a bit more sensible allova sudden what with
them having started ramping up spending towards the £1bn a year level that’s
been deemed necessary to cope with all the freak weather we now appear to have.
And there’s the obvious charge of short-sightedness that can
be made against the current lot. Would keeping spending at Labour levels have
prevented current events? Doubt it, but it might have ameliorated some of
them, which, given what they’ll ultimately mean in terms of additional spending
on tidying up the mess, lost economic activity and all our insurance premiums,
suggests the spending cuts may eventually cost us all far more than they
apparently saved *. Oh and it would have created jobs as well.
And BTW the above numbers are nominal i.e. don’t take
inflation into account, meaning the reduction in spending is even bigger than
it looks.
* you get the impression the nasty bedroom tax has already
gone in this direction as well what with the time and money being wasted on
chasing up newly created rent arrears and what not.
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