Jeez, must they? For a change I cycled to work listening to a
world service business programme witter on about the various Samsung vs Apple
lawsuits. Ooooh how much of what you pay for a phone is getting gobbled up by
lawyers they said and so on til I switched off in response to the rank shiteness
of business reporting in Britain especially when it concerns “technology”.
Here’s the deal; the Samsung vs Apple bollocks is just the
pepsi challenge i.e. an exercise in marketing and product positioning, for
phones. Apple, by taking Samsung to court for supposedly copying the minutiae of its product
designs, gets to highlight how much importance they attach to design, which in
turn leaves apple product buyers with a warm feeling inside after they’ve paid
way over the odds for dem lovely rounded corners. More importantly, the
exercise seeks to define the market as being about just those two companies –
you’ve either a pepsi phone or a coca cola one with everything else relegated
to supermarket own brand status.
The maturity of the product market means this focus on
branding is increasingly important as manufacturers try to cope with how its changed; we’ve had the take-off stage where everyone got a dumb phone and the
basic act of getting a phone for the first time saw sales grow exponentially.
Then we saw the big switch over to smart phones, which again saw exponential
sales. Now, with everyone in an advanced economy who wants one having pretty
much already got a smart phone, we’ve gone from take-off to maturity with manufacturers focusing on trying to encourage as many people as possible upgrade
their phones every 2 years with all that entails in terms of developing brands
to preserve margin and engender product loyalty.
Except, unless you’re a tech nerd, there’s no “compelling” technological
reason to upgrade, the inanity of subsequent developments being captured by the daily mash when they
described the latest Samsung’s wolf attack mode i.e. once you’ve got a phone
with a big screen that can surf the internet, play games and take pics as well
as do phone stuff, everything else is pretty much irrelevant. So another
obvious comparison now, besides coke, is baked beans where for apple read Heinz
and for HTC’s blinkfeed read “in brown sauce” i.e. a minor variation on an
established theme that's of limited if any significance.
And the business and technology writers? They actually take
the legal bollocks at face value along with whether or not a Sony experia can
save you from wolves. Worse, they appear to revel in it all, which is understandable given it means
easy copy and a means of selling advertising space (Oh and its going to get worse, because for mature products product differentiation is typically driven by marketing). This in turn means rather than trustedreviews (aye right) we
get spoon fed PR releases, the only mediating factor being the amount of
advertising the associated product entails.
What makes this bad for consumers
is obvious and obviously more material issues get ignored by men currently fixated on debating the importance of size. Like say if you can’t change the battery of a phone, then the battery effectively determines its usable
lifespan meaning there’s additional expense, the environmental waste of binning an otherwise perfectly usable phone yadda yadda
Or there’s the rip off prices charged for extra memory e.g. compare the £70 extra for a 32gb Nexus 10 versus a 16gb one with the £10 it costs to buy a 16gb SD card.
Or there’s the rip off prices charged for extra memory e.g. compare the £70 extra for a 32gb Nexus 10 versus a 16gb one with the £10 it costs to buy a 16gb SD card.
More generally, when google ran out of Nexus 10s over winter to the point where apps were made to notify you when any where
available, did the beeb's technology person Rory Cellan-Jones pick up on this story concerning one of the world’s most newsworthy companies? Like was there a fundamental break
down in supply chains? Was it being withheld so as not to distract from
the Nexus 7 in the run up to Christmas/avoid cannibalising Samsung's – who make
the Nexus 10 – own brand tablet sales? And is there a broader business strategy
at work here given after it bought Motorola google effectively sat on the Razr HD Maxx,
the one phone to solve the problem of short battery life? Nope, because Rory Cellan-Jones is to journalism what prison rape is to badgers*.
Back to compelling technological reasons, well I guess there
is one wee one and its Betamax shaped. Quick recap – with video players, VHS
competed with Betamax. Betamax was the better technology in terms of video quality,
but VHS had the most films to rent i.e. it had the software, so it won. Now phone
operating systems are where its at and are getting ever larger and more
sophisticated, which in turn means phones increasingly need to be upgraded to
keep up with the latest software. Actually, there’s no need to make the video
comparison, just think how much of a pain in the arse each new version of Windows
As for me having just changed the battery on my two year old
phone, I've put off getting a replacement for at least a year - the research this entailed prompting the discovery of how profoundly wrong business tech journalism is. No my phone still won’t
save me from wolves, yes keeping it has saved me over £200. And YEEEESSSSSSS , that's all the standard viruses on Plague Inc now done.
* i.e. not especially nice and a complete irrelevance
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